Urban Farming Solutions

Microgreens are the baby version of mature vegetables that have AMAZING health and environmental benefits.


  • INSANE nutrient density: LOADED with Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber, Carotenoids, Glucosinolates, and Phenolic Compounds
  • EASY and WHOLESOME food additive, works for ANY meal
  • CRAZY fast growing (from planting to harvest only 8-12 days
  • LOWER Environmental Footprint (requires 158–236x LESS water than it does to grow a nutritionally equivalent amount of mature vegetable)
  • Our plants are delivered LIVE with root systems intact to maximize the amount of beneficial phytochemicals and nutrients - only using natural coco fiber pads.
  • Microgreens have anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, weight loss and heart health benefits along with many other beneficial properties too numerous to list here.